Next stop: Ghana

It’s my last night in Canada for a year and I can’t believe it. Tomorrow I will be getting on a plane headed for Accra, Ghana and my stomach is full of butterflies and anticipation. I have no idea what to expect. I don’t know what my apartment will look like, I don’t know how … Continue reading

Excitement in the air

First of all, I want to send a BIG thank you to all of the incredibly generous people who donated to Crossroads International on my behalf. Your funds will support several initiatives that assist disadvantaged people in Africa and Latin America, and every dollar makes a huge difference. I’m at 93% of my goal now, … Continue reading

Please sponsor me!

Hey! I’ve just finished with three days of training for my mandate in Ghana, and I’ve learned a ton! I have about ten million things to do before I leave, but for now most of my questions have been answered. I’m still pretty apprehensive, but I’m  getting more and more excited with each passing day. … Continue reading

Photobook Canada review/my first video blog!

Hi everyone! While I normally take every opportunity to write about things I’m excited about, I chose a different option today. It’s my first video blog (or “vlog” as the kids call it)! Don’t mind the picture frame behind my head, it turns out that it’s harder to find a place with good lighting and … Continue reading

A Week of LIVING

The last nine days have been insane and busy busy busy, and they would be capped off by a SUPER moon. Obviously. ANYWAY. Yes. Let’s start with Friday. I’ll start off with saying that, despite my finances/lack of connections, I spend an inordinate amount of time amongst fancy people. Example A: Friday at the Red … Continue reading

Update time!

Hey you! I know I’ve been MIA for the past few weeks, and I don’t really have any legitimate excuse except for the fact that I’ve been a little busy. For one, I booked my trip to the Maritimes. I can’t wait! I’ll be traveling for work, which will be a great experience, and then … Continue reading

Rant time!

Warning: If you don’t live in Canada, you probably won’t care about this post.  Okay! I live pretty close to both the Toronto airport and the Buffalo (N.Y) airport. Keeping this in mind, I bring you ridiculous facts time! Did you know it’s cheaper to fly from Buffalo to London, England than it is to … Continue reading

Elephants in need

Hey there, As you may know, I volunteered at Elephant Nature Park in northern Thailand back in October. I met Lek, the founder of ENP, as well as several staff members. I was there for a week, so I got a pretty good sense of how the park was run, and I have nothing but … Continue reading

Dun dun dunnn: The “what to pack” post, part 1!

OKAY so it’s finally time to start writing about what to pack when it comes to long term travel. There will be a few different parts to this, including, “What I wish I packed but didn’t,” and “What I packed but wish I didn’t.” For now, though, I’ll just give a basic list of what … Continue reading


With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I would write a few love letters. They’re no fancy Valentine cards with cartoon characters in front…but close enough. New York, music, and my cats: I choo-choo-choose you. Dear New York City, I’ve been in love with you so long I can’t remember how or when it all … Continue reading